2022 week 52: goodbye 2022; hello 2023

Last week we waved goodbye to 2022 and smiled as we welcomed 2023.

Quote of the week:

“Goodbye 2022! Hello 2023!”

~ Me 🥰

Swim highlights: 10,075 yards

Monday we were given time to free swim without a scheduled workout and it was SO AWESOME!! I swam one of my favorite workouts…3×800 with increasing effort at Ironman pace. It has been great to swim with the Masters group, but there hasn’t been any endurance swimming for me since Ironman Arizona, so getting to swim 800s made my heart happy!

We’ve been swimming shorter + faster sets during masters swim lately, so it was awesome to be given the opportunity to swim longer endurance sets Monday! 3x800s with increasing effort = faster pace with each interval…and that is definitely something to celebrate!! ⚡️

Bike highlights: 128 miles

Last week’s rides were more aerobic and tempo based. A great way to ease into my relationship with Moxie!

So grateful I for some quality time with my new girl, Moxie!

Run highlights: 4.25 miles

I got a couple of short runs in last week, but no pics were taken.

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily
2×30 minutes full body strength

Weekly Totals: 14 hours & 48 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude:

Any day that I GET to swim/bike/run all in the same day is a great day!!
Celebrating Tonja’s 50th birthday! Love you T! 🥰
All the snuggles! 🐶🥰
Recovery is on point with my Normatec Recovery boots! 🥰
Homemade kale, sweet potato, mushroom, onion, basil pesto pizza…YUMMY!!
Seeing the colors in the sky is such a great way to start the day!

What were your highlights from week 52 of 2022?!

2022 week 51: merry everything and happy always

Last week was a short work week due to a blizzard + the holidays. Despite Mother Nature not letting us all get together for the holidays, we enjoyed some time with loved ones here in town as well as quiet solo time.

Quote of the week:

“Merry everything and happy always”

~ unknown

Swim highlights: 8675 yards

I had multiple swims last week with the Masters group focusing on short/fast efforts. I got a lot of help + practice working on my butterfly stroke. I REALLY enjoy the masters community and the diversity of swim workouts that we do, but with most of our swim sessions being short efforts, I REALLY miss long endurance efforts.

Merry everything and happy always!

Bike highlights: 65.6 miles

Eeeekkkk…I got my new steed for Christmas and she is not only beautiful, but so enjoyable to ride! We are getting more and more acquainted with each other.

“It’s not the achievement of the goal that is the greatest reward, it is who you become by pushing yourself past your greatest challenges.” ~unknown

Thursday’s workout was properly named “Die Hard”. While I didn’t die, it was so hard. 🤣 I am proud of pushing myself, who I am becoming in the process, and nailing these challenging intervals. ⚡️ Oh…and I had to bring a bit of warmth to this workout with the Coeur Sports Kona kit since the windchill was -39F outside.

Run highlights: 6.45 miles

Time with these two while pounding the pavement always warms my heart (which was needed since it has been so cold)! 🥰

With the impending storm, Tuesday was the last time we saw the sun before we started to get more daylight, so we had to get out in the fresh air + sunshine. The -4F windchills were balmy compared to what was ahead for the remainder of the week. 💙🥶

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily
3×30 minutes full body strength

Weekly Totals: 10 hours & 7 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude:

I got to walk on campus during a light snowfall on Monday.
So grateful for a flush of the body by the best in the business!
This one knows exactly what to do when the windchill is -39F outside. 🐶🥰
After a few days of this, the -1F windchill felt amazing!
Isabella got us matching banana running shorts for Christmas…hers are on the way so we can all wear them at the same race this summer! 🥰
Family! 🥰
So grateful that these two live close enough that we could get together when Mother Nature presented us with some gnarly winter weather.

What were your highlights from week 51 of 2022?!

2022 week 50: hello doms…I’ve missed you 😜

Last week I got back to doing what I love and with it came all the doms (delayed onset muscle soreness). It feels SO good to not be able to walk straight, lift my arms above my head, and naturally squat down to the toilet seat. 😜

Quote of the week:

“DOMS: proof that you pushed yourself, so enjoy the pain.”

~ unknown

Swim highlights: 4750 yards

I ripped off the band-aid and got myself back into the pool on Friday morning. The time away was just what I needed to reset myself…so much so that my first swim back I successfully swam the butterfly stroke for the first time EVER in my life. I have lots of room for improvement. I may not be where I want to be with it YET, but I have the form down and am continuing to show up to make it better! ⚡️ 🥳

HIIII!! I’m back!!

Bike highlights: 16.7 miles

I got my new bike last week! She is all built, set up, and ready to ride. We spent a little bit of time together last week to start building our relationship. I’ll get pictures out of her soon!

Run highlights: 3.07 miles

I ran with Jersey one day last week. It was a brisk run, but nothing like what our temps are going to look like this week. Sadly I didn’t any pics of this adventure.

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily
2×30 minutes full body strength

Weekly Totals: 5 hours & 41 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude:

snuggle bug 🐶🥰
Let’s play! 🐶🥰
Look at the sun greeting us after our swim session Saturday morning! 😍
A day of puzzling…finished up #1 😍
Finished up puzzle #2 😍
And started puzzle #3 😍
Too much puzzling meant snuggles were in order! 😍

What were your highlights from week 50 of 2022?!

2022 week 48: rest

Last week was all about resting. I am taking as much time as I need to fully recover physically, mentally, and emotionally. My body is enjoying the break, but my brain is not fully on board with the rest.

Quote of the week:

“Sometimes making progress means taking rest days.”


Swim highlights: 2800 yards

Monday morning I made it to masters swim and was so grateful for the help on my butterfly stroke, but then the wheels fell off and my body really just wanted rest for the remainder of the week. There are no swimming pictures from last week.

Bike highlights: 0 miles

There was no time on the bike last week.

Run highlights: 2.46 miles

I ran with Isabella at a fun run on campus Friday night. My body was not fully on board with this, but it was fun to get to run with her.

Holiday fun run on campus with this crew!!

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily

Weekly Totals: 4 hours & 53 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude:

Keeping me calm during my massage. 🐶🥰
All the snuggles! 🐶🥰
This girl loves her snuggles! 🐶🥰
Boom!! So proud of this one!! She helped her team get the W!!
I have a new steed and am so excited to get her built!!
LOTS of love!! 🐶🥰
Tuba Christmas
Can’t get enough of this!! 🐶🥰

What were your highlights from week 48 of 2022?!

grit, resilience, and perseverance

“Grit is having the courage to push through, no matter what the obstacles are, because it’s worth it.”

~Chris Morris

Cliff Notes Version: I GOT to race Ironman Arizona on Sunday, November 20, 2022! 💙💛

  • I was SO ready to create an experience I had never had before
  • this is a one transition race
  • ALL gear (bike, bike bag/gear, run bag/gear) was dropped off on Saturday
  • according to IRONMAN, the water temp was 61F on race morning (wetsuit legal race…I wore my Roka Maverick Pro II Wetsuit)…according to everyone’s Garmin devices the water temp was 56-57F
  • pro men started at 6:40 am, pro women started at 6:45 am, and age group athletes started at 6:50 am
  • the swim start was a self seeded based on expected swim time finish with 5 athletes sent off every 4 seconds
  • the swim was one big loop with very choppy water due to strong winds and boats zooming around picking people up out of the water
  • the swim buoys were a little difficult to see due to swimming directly into the sunrise, but I wore the perfect goggles for this race (Roka X1 dark amber mirrored goggles)
  • I kept my effort high in the swim
  • there were wetsuit strippers
  • there were a few volunteers to help change in T1, but they were needed to help warm up many of the athletes who were hypothermic
  • the air temp was 53F coming out of the water
  • the bike course was 3 out and back loops
  • there was a strong headwind climbing out of town on the Beeline Highway to the turnaround, which meant an amazing tailwind on the descent to town
  • the road surfaces were REALLY rough
  • there were three water/aid stations on each loop of the bike course
  • there was a bad head on collision between two athletes near the 15 mile mark of the bike course that messed with my head for a bit
  • I got a flat tire between miles 25 and 30…I am confident in my tire changing skills, so the flat was not a problem
  • there were a few volunteers to help change in T2
  • the run course was 2 loops
  • there were aid stations on the run nearly every mile with water, gatorade, gels, ice, bananas, grapes, Coke, Red Bull, etc.
  • they brought chicken broth out after dark on the run
  • I felt great on the run until about mile 18 and then my legs said, “I’m done” but my mind said, “OH HELL NO! Keep running!”
  • this was my 2nd fastest IRONMAN finish
Things I’m celebrating:
⚡️not letting the cold water temperatures be a problem
⚡️swimming on the buoys
⚡️not letting the high winds be a problem
⚡️being confident in my flat changing skills (they were needed between miles 25 and 30)
⚡️not letting witnessing of a major crash in the first 18 miles of the bike put me in a negative headspace
⚡️staying connected to the pedals
⚡️my grit, resilience, and perseverance were on point
⚡️smiling all day long
⚡️giving my absolute best on the day
⚡️crossing the finish line of IRONMAN #10 and got to hear Mike Reilly call me an IRONMAN one last time

Thanks @ironmanvoice for all the memories! Wishing you the best in your retirement! 🥰

Longer Version: I GOT to race Ironman Arizona on Sunday, November 20, 2022 in Tempe, Arizona! 💙💛

The alarm went off at 3:30 am. After doing all of my morning rituals and consuming my breakfast smoothie, we made our way to the transition area (we drove to the parking garage closest to transition). When I got to the transition area, aired up Mojo’s tires, loaded Mojo with my bike bottles, lubed up her chain, I put bike and run nutrition in each of my gear bags that I would pick up in T1 and T2, emptied my bladder, and exited the transition area with our friend Steve (who was also racing). I’m grateful to Tim for taking my bike and run special needs bags to their drop off location. I got love from random puppies, ate my Skratch bar at 5:45, donned my Roka Maverick Pro II Wetsuit, took in a gel at 6:30, and made my way to the swim start. I lined up behind the sign for 1:15-1:20 swim time and was so grateful that I thought to put some throw away flips in my morning clothes bag to keep my feet off of the very cold pavement. Right before getting in the starting coral, I got a high five from Mike Reilly…ok, now I’m definitely ready for the day ahead.

Swim: (1:17:22 for 2.4 miles at 2:01/100 m average pace…21/83 F40-44, 144/530 F, 570/1994 overall)

I was SO grateful that I got into the water on Saturday to get a feel for just how cold the water would really feel. The water temp was 61F according to IRONMAN. Most athletes had temps of 56-57F recorded on their Garmin devices. I eased into the swim by remaining calm and focused on my strokes + breathing… “1, 2, breathe…1, 2, breathe…1, 2, breathe.” At the first turn buoy I kicked the effort up a few notches and found my groove. I struggled throughout this swim with my goggles leaking (only on the right side). I am still uncertain why they leaked…I had a brand new pair of goggles that had been worn in the pool on Wednesday and Friday and in the lake on Saturday to test them and there was ZERO leaking during those swims. While this was super frustrating, I just kept swimming and would occasionally flip over on my back to clear them out before suctioning them to my eye socket even harder than the last time, but it didn’t work…they still leaked. There was a lot of chop on the water due to the strong winds and the boats zooming around pulling athletes from the water, but gratitude moment: thankfully choppy water isn’t a problem for me. As we swam along the back of the course, we were swimming into direct sunlight due to the sunrise. I was anticipating not being able to see the buoys because of this. Despite swimming directly into the sunrise, I swam one of the straightest swims on the buoy line that I’ve ever swam in a race. Gratitude moment: yay for swimming a straight line and on the buoys. I expected my hands and feet to get cold by the end of the swim to the point that I wouldn’t be able feel them, but…gratitude moment: my hands and feet were not nearly as cold as I expected coming out of the water. I spent the majority of the swim staying in the moment, playing chase, having fun, and focusing on my effort. ⚡️

So grateful to not have cold water affect me like it did so many during this swim.

📸 Finisher Pix

T1: (9:59)

It was a little bit of a jog from the swim exit to T1 and with the colder air (53F) + ground temps, my feet were FROZEN by the time I got to the changing tent. I moved as quickly as I could while cold. I started to get my 4 peanut butter Oreos down the hatch while pulling on my socks + bike shoes, donned my helmet + sunnies, gave my mylar blanket (I had packed one in my T1 bag thinking I might stuff it down the inside of my kit to keep me warmer while cycling, but decided I didn’t need it) to another athlete who was hypothermic in transition, and ran to grab Mojo. New this year…we had to carry our T1 bags to our bikes and leave them there to utilize fewer volunteers and streamline things for gear checkout later in the day.

Bike: (6:31:58 for 112 miles at 17.4 mph average speed…31/83 F40-44, 160/530 F, 778/1994 overall)

The bike course is three laps that are out and back, which gave us the perfect amount of challenge + fun! We got the challenge of climbing into the headwind on the way out of town, but once we reached the turn around, we got to rocket back to town thanks to the descent and tailwind. This course can get pretty congested (especially in the 2nd lap) as more athletes are crammed into a smaller space, but I was prepared for it. Aside from the VERY, VERY ROUGH road surfaces, it was a lot of FUN!

Time to spend some quality time with Mojo!

📸 Tim Fencl

During the first lap, I settled into the ride while taking in all of the scenery, noticing landmarks I could use to get me through the 18+ mile stretch to the turnaround, and fueling + hydrating like it was my job…because let’s be honest…it was my job on this day! At about mile 15 ish, there was a really bad head-on crash between two cyclists, which was so scary as both athletes appeared to be unconscious. A few athletes stopped to help them, but I kept pedaling forward as I knew someone needed to call 911. As athletes, we are not allowed to have our cell phones with us, but the only way to get medical help would be to get that phone call made. About a 1/2 mile up the road, I saw a spectator and gave her as much information as I could so she could call 911. I made it to the turnaround on the first lap and kept my eyes peeled for the crash ahead. When I got there and saw the medical help they were receiving, I knew there was nothing more I could do, so I tried to change my mindset and pull myself mentally back into the race. It wasn’t easy and it took some time, but I was eventually forced to refocus my mental energy because I got a flat between miles 25 and 30. Gratitude moment: I have LOTS of experience changing a flat and am confident in my skills, so this wasn’t a problem. Good thing, because the officer near me asked if I needed help and when I told him I was good he responded with, “that’s good, because I know nothing about changing a bike tire.” 🤣 At the turnaround in town, I was greeted by cheers from my #1and Ellen. I let them know I had a flat and was good to go.

Here we go!!

📸 Finisher Pix

Here we go…lap two! As I made my way back through town and out to the Beeline, my mind went dark for a bit as I was REALLY annoyed and frustrated with the lady who drafted off of me for the ENTIRE way out to the turn around. I really wish I had taken in enough fluids to give her a much deserved “shower”, but I just didn’t have enough in me at this point in the day. After the turn around, I rocketed back to town and dropped her like a bad habit. 

Just keep smiling!!

📸 Finisher Pix

Here we go…last lap! This lap was all about staying gritty and getting back to transition. The headwinds at this point were dragging me down a bit, but I did my best to keep my mind focused and strong. ⚡️

This scenery is 😍!!

📸 Justin Luau

T2: (4:33)

An amazing volunteer took Mojo from me as I dismounted. I grabbed my T2 bag, quickly stopped to empty my bladder (boy did I finally have to pee 🤪), and made my way into the change tent. I changed my socks and shoes, thanked the volunteer as she took my bag while I set out for the run. As I was running out of transition, this is when I put on my race belt + visor, and got all of my nutrition situated in the various places while on the move.

Run: (5:11:34 for 26.2 miles at 11:48/mile average pace…30/83 F40-44, 163/530 F, 734/1994 overall)

I was so happy to be off the bike and ready to run. My goal was to hold back at the start of the run and keep a solid + strong effort throughout the entire run while only walking through aid stations to ensure proper fueling and hydration.

Feels good to be off the bike and running!

📸 Tim Fencl

The run course was a 2 loop route this year with multiple out and back sections, which was awesome because we got to see other athletes and spectators so many times! I set out with the intention to focus on the mile I was in. I quickly settled into my pace and started knocking off the miles. I stayed connected to my pace, took in my nutrition and hydration as planned, stayed mentally + physically strong and felt really good until about mile 18.

It would be so awesome if they served curry on Curry hill!! 🤣

📸 Finisher Pix

That’s when the wheels started to fall off. Good thing I have been training my mind to push through in instances like this because I did far less walking in those last 8 miles than I have in previous marathons when the legs and feet go deep in the hurt box. “The mind gives up before the body” and I was not going to let that happen. Yes my pace slowed, but I kept “running” to the red carpet. ⚡️

This view was amazing as the sunset and the city scape lit up the night sky during the last loop of the run.

📸 Tim Fencl

Overall: (13:15:25…32/83 F40-44, 205/530 F, 872/1994 overall)

You’re never the same after running down the red carpet and crossing the IRONMAN finish line as you were when you toed the start line…even after crossing 10 IRONMAN finish lines there is still room to learn and grow. IRONMAN teaches you tenacity, grit, patience, problem solving skills, resilience, perseverance, and fortitude. It shows you just how strong you really are mentally, physically, and emotionally. It allows you to push your boundaries. It teaches you that discomfort is temporary. It challenges you to reach new highs and weather new lows. It shows you that adversity is not a problem. It teaches you that even in those dark moments, you can still be your best and that the light is just ahead. It allows you to feel it ALL…proud, powerful, disappointed, grateful, joyful, frustrated, self-confident, ecstatic. And IMAZ was no different. ⚡️

📸 Finisher Pix

Getting to that red carpet on this day took all of the grit, resilience, and perseverance I had. As I ran down the red carpet into the spotlights with the cheers of family, friends, and random strangers surrounding me, I was full of emotions. I was so grateful for the privilege to run down another red carpet and cross the finish line to IRONMAN #10. I was disappointed to not have the race that I had prepared for. I was grateful for a strong body and an even stronger mind. I was surprised to cross the finish line with my 2nd fastest Ironman finish time. I was so thankful to hear Mike Reilly say “Kecia Place-Fenci YOU ARE AN IRONMAN” one last time (I don’t think my name has ever been properly pronounced, but I always know he is talking to me! 🤣) as he steps into retirement. I have lots of things to celebrate, lots of learnings to carry with me into future racing, and gratitude for all of the progress made in this sport. Crossing the IRONMAN finish line is always a privilege and one I NEVER take for granted! ⚡️

I’m grateful for the privilege to race, for the privilege of a healthy body and mind, for the privilege to push my boundaries, for the privilege to run down another red carpet, and for the privilege to cross the finish line at IRONMAN #10! ⚡️

📸 Finisher Pix

Gear: Coeur Sports triathlon shorts, Coeur Sports sports bra, Coeur Sports aero top, Roka X-1 Goggles, Roka Maverick Pro II Wetsuit, Specialized Transition tri bike, Specialized S-works Evade helmet, Specialized Torch 2.0 Road Shoes, Coeur Sports visor, Newton Kismet running shoes, Roka SL-1X sunnies, Orange Mud hand held water bottle

2022 week 47: rest

Last week was spent making the trek home. We left Tempe on Tuesday and made our way to Colorado to spend Thanksgiving with Tim’s sister and brother-in-law before heading home on Black Friday. It was so nice to be home and get to see our girls!

Quote of the week:

“I constantly remind myself that resting takes confidence. Anyone can train like a mad man but to embrace rest and to allow all the hard training to come out takes mental strength.”

~Ryan Hall

Swim highlights: yards

Wednesday we swam in Denver, CO. The combination of elevation + post IM racing had me grateful to just stay afloat. Saturday morning we were back at master’s swim at home. This was my first real swim with the master’s group; prior to IM I had been doing my own workouts…I have a lot of work to do!

  • There was no structure for my first swim back. The only goals were to move and not drown…both of which were accomplished.
First swim back and I didn’t drown!

Bike highlights: 0 miles

There were no bike miles last week.

Run highlights: 0 miles

There were no run miles last week, but I did get multiple walks in totaling 7.7 miles for the week.

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily from Wednesday through Sunday

Weekly Totals: 4 hours & 44 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude:

Thanksgiving day hike in Denver, CO with family.
It is officially puzzle season!
I REALLY missed the snuggles while away from our girls. So grateful that we are back to snuggle time!
The lighting of the Christmas tree on Campus is always a beautiful sight!

What were your highlights from week 47 of 2022?!

2022 week 46: IMAZ race week

Last week started with a drive from Colorado to Flagstaff and then on to Tempe. So grateful for the opportunity to visit a few national parks along the way, safe travels, and exploring new places. I crossed the start line and finish line of IRONMAN #10. I’ll have a race report after I take time to process the day.

Quote of the week:

“Race week anticipation is having belief in your race and trust in your training.”

~Vanessa Faye Foerester

Swim highlights: 10,070 yards

We did a “tour de pools” during race week. It is always fun to explore other places and their pools! Tuesday’s swim was at NAU’s 50 meter pool at 7000 feet in Flagstaff, AZ. Wednesday’s swim was at ASU’s rec services 25 yard outdoor pool at 1200 feet in Tempe, AZ. Friday’s swim was at Mona Plummer (ASU’s competition pool). Getting to swim outdoor in a swimming pool in November was amazing! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to swim in other pools! Saturday and Sunday’s swims were both in Tempe Town Lake, but more on that in another post.

  • Warm up:
    • 300 easy
      10×50 drills
      4×50 descend
  • Main Set:
    • 4x through the following:
      • 50 Z5 (10)
      • 150 Z4 (30)
        Working on getting out fast at the start of a race and settling into threshold pace
  • Cool Down:
    • 200 any
Swimming on Tuesday at NAU at 7000 feet
Swimming at dusk on Wednesday in Tempe at ASU Rec Services
Swimming on Friday at ASU’s competition pool at Mona Plummer

Bike highlights: 164 miles

I had a couple of rides on the trainer (one in Flagstaff at 7000 feet elevation) and one in Tempe to keep the body sharp, but on Friday I got to ride outside in Tempe with one of my Coeur Sports teammates on the IMAZ run course. It was so fun to meet some of the people I have known via social media and Zoom meetings IRL!

Shake out ride with my Coeur Sports teammate Cindy

Run highlights: 32.6 miles

Both last week were at high elevation. Monday was at Arches National Park (at over 5000 feet) and Wednesday was in Flagstaff (at 7000 feet). This flatlander was definitely winded, but not as winded as I expected.

Running at 5000+ feet in Arches National Park on Monday
Running at 7000 feet in Flagstaff…7F means all bundled up!

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily

Weekly Totals: 22 hours & 50 minutes

Attitude of Gratitude:

So grateful for our safety as we drove over the Vail Pass.
Arches National Park is so gorgeous!
Tim’s first visit to the Grand Canyon was a success!
You know it’s going to be a great race when you see Mike Reilly at athlete check in.
So grateful that we got to spend time with our friends that moved down here after retiring.
It was great to FINALLY meet some of my Coeur Sports teammates at the swim practice IRL.
Who’s ready to jump into 60F water?! We are!
Tomorrow I have the privilege of toeing the start line at IRONMAN Arizona. This will be IRONMAN #10. I am so grateful for a strong and healthy body + mind. I am R E A D Y to challenge myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am R E A D Y to put it all together. I am R E A D Y to create a race performance I have never experienced before. I am R E A D Y to take risks. I am R E A D Y to put together my grittiest + gutsiest performance yet! #LFG ⚡️
Getting my pre-race squeeze on!
Mojo is racked and ready for her swan song. We are ready to put together an AMAZING race one last time together!

What were your highlights from week 46 of 2022?!

2022 week 45: taper time

Last week I began tapering the bike and mid week the swim. I do a staggered taper as I find it works best for me and keeps me fresh and ready to race. So my last long run was on Wednesday, October 26, my last long ride was on Sunday, November 6, and my last long swim was on Wednesday, November 9. With less time focused on training, I had more time to pack and prepare for our upcoming trip.

Quote of the week:

“Trust the taper.”


Swim highlights: 13,500 yards

Wednesday was my last long swim, so I am officially tapering all three disciplines! Hello happy dance!

  • Warm up:
    • 200 swim
    • 100 kick
    • 200 drills
    • 200 pull
  • Main Set: More effort should be exerted from one set of intervals to the next (and in theory slightly faster pacing as you work through the main set)
    • 500 (:10 rest)
    • 2×400 (:15 rest)
    • 3×300 (:20 rest)
    • 4×200 (:25 rest)
    • 5×100 (:30 rest)
    • 6×50 on the 1:00
    • 8×25 sprints (:10 rest)
  • Cool Down:
    • 300 any stroke
Who’s ready for race day?!

Bike highlights: 90.3 miles

All the bike miles were logged on the trainer this week. So grateful for the Coeur Velo ladies to not only ride with, but to also keep me entertained.

Surprise BINGO for the #lisaandjessshow with the Coeur Velo ladies!

Run highlights: 11.4 miles

Wednesday was the last 70 degree day here in central Iowa, so I took advantage of it by getting out for a run (or two…hello double run day). Oh…and 36 hours later the windchill was 7F, so winter has definitely arrived here in central Iowa.

Soaking up the last of the warmer weather for the year.

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily

Weekly Totals: 12 hours & 50 minutes
2×30 minutes of full body strength training

Attitude of Gratitude:

Those sunrises always bring a smile to my face!
As an early riser, I was blessed to see the lunar eclipse before the clouds rolled in and before getting on the bike.
So grateful for getting great sleep!
Last day of swim/bike/run until race day!

What were your highlights from week 45 of 2022?!

2022 week 44: race week of sorts

Last week I threw the Hillbilly Hike 1/2 marathon into my training plan, but I decided ahead of time to not actually “race” it but rather to use it as a long catered training run to get everything dialed in for IMAZ. I am using the knowledge I learned from racing it two weeks out from IMAZ in 2021 to better prepare myself for IMAZ 2022. The weather was craptastic, so it might have been better to race it to be done sooner, but I know that would not have helped to set me up to achieve my goals for IMAZ in less than 2 weeks.

Quote of the week:

“The person who starts the race is not the same person who finishes the race.”


Swim highlights: 9,300 yards

Wednesday was my longest swim of the week and it was a doozy! I’m feeling better and better every day as I shed the fatigue and fine tune the body for race day!

  • Warm up:
    • 200 swim
    • 200 drills
    • 4×50 (25 fast/25 easy) (5 sec rest)
  • Main Set:
    • 5×100 descending (20 sec rest)
    • 500 pull (try to hold same pace as last 100) (20 sec rest)
    • 4×100 descending (20 sec rest)
    • 400 pull (try to hold same pace as last 100) (20 sec rest)
    • 3×100 descending (20 sec rest)
    • 300 pull (try to hold same pace as last 100) (20 sec rest)
    • Rest 2 minutes
    • 800 swim holding best average possible
  • Cool Down:
    • 200 any stroke
So grateful for an amazing pool to swim in, the opportunity to swim longer, a healthy body, and a strong mind.

Bike highlights: 142 miles

All of the miles last week were on indoors on the trainer…including my last long ride before IMAZ.

Riding with the Coeur Velo girls has been such a fun + challenging way to wake up on Tuesday and Thursday mornings!

Run highlights: 34.7 miles

Wednesday I had a double run day. The 7 am miles were much chillier than the 8 pm miles. It was so nice to be outside in November in Iowa with temps in the 70s. Saturday I ran the Hillbilly Hike 1/2 marathon and the weather looked MUCH different!

Temps in the 70s in November in Iowa?! Yaassss!!
Decide ahead of time that it wont be so bad and it will all be fine!

Rain, wind, 27F windchill, and another finish line at the Hillbilly Hike 1/2 marathon. There weren’t enough layers (even though I was wearing all the thermal gear…4 layers on top) in those last 5 miles, but it was fine! It was all fine!

2 weeks to #IMAZ and I hope that finish line looks MUCH different! SO MUCH mental endurance added to the bank Saturday!

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily

Weekly Totals: 18 hours & 22 minutes
2×30 minutes of full body strength training

Attitude of Gratitude:

So proud of this one for being aggressive and going after the ball in her first BB game of her 8th grade year!
Squeeze me! Squeeze me! Thanks Normatec for keeping me healthy!
We GOT to run in the rain, wind, 27F windchills on Saturday morning. The best part…our 14 year old niece ran her first 10K and took 2nd place in the 19 and under age group! So proud of her determination and grit to show up and run when the weather was ugly! ⚡ (Love that she’s wearing my too big for her Coeur Sports vest. I’ll be getting her one in her size for Christmas. 💕)
I was dancing to celebrate my last big bike ride when I Basil decided she wanted to dance too! 🐶🥰
Getting my squeeze on while on our Coeur Sports team call! 💕

What were your highlights from week 44 of 2022?!

2022 week 43: the summit

Last week was another solid week of training! The climb to this point has been pretty amazing! I love overcoming the challenges along the way and becoming the best version of myself that I can be in the process. I am at the summit of my training cycle and ready to start shedding some of this fatigue so I can fine tune this machine for IMAZ. We are less than 3 weeks until race day and I am SO FREAKING EXCITED! ⚡️

Quote of the week:

“The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.”

~Conrad Anker

Swim highlights: 11,300 yards

Wednesday was my favorite swim of the week (see workout below), with my longest swim being on Friday.

  • Warm up:
    • 300 swim
    • 4×50 descending
    • 200 pull
    • 100 easy
  • Main Set:
    • 5×300 race effort (20 sec rest)
    • 100 easy
    • Rest 1 minute
    • 5×300 race effort (20 sec rest)
  • Cool Down:
    • 100 easy
Do you let the data tell you how successful your workout was?

Friday morning I had a 5000 yard swim with 4000 of it at high effort. While swimming I stayed mentally and physically connected to giving my best effort. I was intentionally focused and present and I was damn proud of all of this.

Then I got out of the pool and looked at the data for those high effort, focused, and present yards…my paces were slower than they were two weeks ago when I did the same workout.

I could have let the data tell me that I’m losing speed and I didn’t work as hard as it felt. Instead, I chose to trust myself, my training, and my process. This is what I know for sure:
⚡️ My effort was high
⚡️ I was focused and present
⚡️ I am carrying SO much fatigue right now (hello peak Ironman training)
⚡️ I will shed this fatigue in the days going into race day
⚡️ I will be even faster than I was two weeks ago when I shed this fatigue
⚡️ I am right where I need to be
⚡️ The data doesn’t tell the WHOLE story
⚡️ I’m creating something I’ve never had before

Bike highlights: 173 miles

I was so blessed with a great weather day on Saturday to get out for my last long ride. It started off chilly (35F), but there were no winds, so I put on all the layers and headed out. As the sun climbed, so did the temps and by midday it was nearly 70F.

How it started…Actually I had already shed my stocking hat, wind vest, and gloves at this point.
How it ended… I’m the luckiest person to have such an amazingly supportive spouse! Thanks, Tim, for meeting me to pick up all the layers as the temps climbed during my last big training day before #IMAZ in 3 weeks! 💙💛

Run highlights: 41.9 miles

Wednesday was my last long run before IMAZ. The fall colors are sure popping!

You get to decide your journey.

You control the power you give your dreams.

Your daily decisions determine your destiny.

What decisions are you making today to give power to your dreams?

Strength Training: 15 minutes of core strength daily

Weekly Totals: 22 hours & 16 minutes
2×30 minutes of full body strength training

Attitude of Gratitude:

Thanks to Kyle for giving Mojo his blessing for a solid race day at IMAZ!
Jersey loves massage day…she gets the snuggles and keeps me relaxed so that Nick can really work out the kinks! 🥰🐶
Getting my squeeze on! Thanks Normatec Recovery for keeping me in peak shape
A FULL day of swim, bike, run! I am so grateful for a strong + healthy body!
So proud of Isabella for giving her best on a day where she wasn’t feeling the best.

What were your highlights from week 43 of 2022?!