29 Weeks ’til Ironman Boulder

Last week wrapped up 29 weeks until Ironman Boulder and with it came the start of semester 2 and ridiculously COLD temperatures…school was even cancelled on Wednesday due to the bitterly cold windchill temperatures (-42F). I didn’t let the cold keep me from having a successful week of workouts. The theme for this week was, “I have some work to do.”


AM: One hour of strength training that included 20 minutes of core work (I’m still pushing for at least 5 minutes of core work everyday for 30 days)


PM: LOTS of shoveling thanks to an 8 inch snow fall 😉


AM: More shoveling before the Lucky 7s Treadmill Run…this run is all hill work at varying inclines, but every segment needs to add up to “7” = 1 min at 6% incline, 6 min at 1% incline, 2 min at 5% incline, 5 min at 2% incline, etc. The key is not adjusting the pace at which you run…lock the treadmill at one pace and go. I ran 5.64 miles in 55 minutes. I was hoping to be able to maintain a 9:30 pace for this run, but I just didn’t have it in me this morning, so I ran closer to a 10 minute pace. This gives me something to work toward for next time I do this run!


PM: 2600 yard swim with steady 200s…this was a one hour swim and my calves were SO TIGHT (from the jump squats I did yesterday morning) that it almost hurt to push off the wall. Thankfully they loosened up toward the end of the workout. I followed this up with 5 minutes of core work.



AM: Trainer ride of 1 on/1 off for 75 minutes…This was a tough workout, but that is how I will get stronger and faster on the bike 😉 I covered 16.2 miles in the 75 minutes while on the bike and followed this up with 20 minutes of core work.


Later in the AM: 500 TT swim workout…this was my #FaveWorkout of the week, mostly because I had the pool ENTIRELY to myself. This was a 45 minute swim with a 500 TT included in it. My TT wasn’t as fast as I would have liked, but with the tough ride prior to it, this was the best I could do today. My 500 TT was 9:11.77 with my 2nd half being 6 seconds faster than the first half. This gives me something to work toward for next time I do a 500 TT. I’m starting to see a theme for the week 😉


PM: Active Release Therapy (ART) on my left leg trying to get it to release all of the tension it holds…


AM: No morning workout after yesterday afternoon’s ART session.

PM: 45 minutes of TRX with about 20 minutes of core work.


AM: 7.33 mile treadmill run in 70 minutes…The first 40 minutes were run at a 10 minute pace and the last 30 minutes were run at an 8:57 pace

PM: 2400 yard swim with 2 x ladder to 300 in 1 hour…I felt like my form was struggling a bit, but I pushed through and finished strong. I followed this up with 10 minutes of core work.



AM: 10.55 mile treadmill run in 1:40 with a 9:29 average pace…I have some work to do to get my runs faster. I followed this up with 30 minutes of core work.


PM: Made lots of soup to put in the freezer for ready to eat meals…Homemade Carrot Ginger Soup and Homemade Tomato Soup.

Homemade Carrot Ginger Soup
Homemade Tomato Soup



AM: Trainer ride of 3 x up/down hills covering 28.6 miles in 2 hours…this might just be next week’s #FaveWorkout. This was tough, but I LOVED IT!! It kept me focused and really made me work hard.  This was true #bikelove!! I followed this up with 5 minutes of core work.


PM: Homemade Grapefruit Juice…YUMMY!!

IMG_1197 IMG_1198

Bonus 5 minutes of abs followed by 90 minutes of Hot Yoga…


Weekly Totals:

Swim: 3.92 miles
Bike: 44.8 miles
Run: 23.5 miles
Strength Training: 4 hours (including all of my core work)
Hot Yoga: 90 minutes

That's a wrap...a #successfultrainingweek all documented in my #believetrainingjournal
That’s a wrap…a #successfultrainingweek all documented in my #believetrainingjournal

Quote of the week:

“Time fixes nothing. Time is a facilitator but you still have to do the fixing; dig into the difficult conversations; look hard at yourself in the mirror and ask if you’re doing everything you can do to get healthy. If you aren’t currently living the life you want, there is no other way to get there. Time won’t make it happen. So you can either adjust the goal, or give yourself a swift kick in the ass. Those are your only two options unless you enjoy the feeling of eternal tug of war.”
~Lauren Fleshman

**Thanks to Erin for sharing this quote with me.

How was your week of workouts? 

22 thoughts on “29 Weeks ’til Ironman Boulder

  1. I’m so envious of all the swimming you get to do! I finally got back this morning for an hour and I feel so much better in body AND mine. It’s just so soothing.

  2. I like the lucky 7s treadmill run! I may have to try that one. Isn’t having the pool to yourself just wonderful? I always feel spoiled, although it does not happen very often. When school is canceled for you, does it give you the complete day off or do you still have to do work at home? I always wonder if teaches use that time to get ahead, or if they enjoy the down time. ☺ As always, love all the #swimart

    1. Thanks Kristen! The lucky 7s is a good challenge. When school is canceled, I try to enjoy my free time and not work too much. It doesn’t always work that way, but I try 😉 Last Wednesday I took the day for me. It was glorious!!

  3. SUPER impressed with the 10.5 mile treadmill run!! I don’t think I’ve gone longer than 7 miles on a treadmill.. However, with those cold temps where you live, I don’t blame you!! Nice work on the ab work too… I’ve been trying to do core work daily, even if it’s just a few minutes of planks. You seem to be finding a groove already with your training, awesome!! 🙂

    1. Thanks Kristin! The farthest I’ve run on the treadmill is 19 miles…it was brutal! A few minutes of planks is better that none at all 😉 I definitely feel like I’m finding a good rhythm, but now I have to figure in a rest day every week…I don’t like to rest, but I know it IS important.

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