What is in my transition bag?

Life has been crazy busy lately…training, vacations, trying to get some tasks done before summer is over and school starts back up.  As a result, blogging has taken a back seat these last few weeks.

Training is going well.  Only 5.5 weeks left until race day…3 weeks until the taper and I start school back up in less than 2 weeks.  Where has the summer gone?!?!?!?

A couple of weeks ago, we participated in the Okoboji Triathlon.  It is a non-USAT sanctioned event, which is great for your first triathlon or if you don’t want to have to remember all of the rules.  As I was getting ready for this race (which just so happened to be my first triathlon of the season), I was thinking about what I put in my transition bag.  For those of you doing your first triathlon in the near future, I hope you find this list beneficial.


  1. Wetsuit
  2. Goggles
  3. Swim Cap
  4. Body Glide
  5. Ear Dry
  6. Hoo Ha Ride Glide (sample pack)
  7. Bike Shoes
  8. Helmet
  9. Sunglasses
  10. Garmin
  11. Nutrition and Hydration (the amount depends on the distance of the race)
  12. Spare Tube, CO2 Dispenser, CO2 Cartridge
  13. Running Shoes
  14. Socks
  15. Visor
  16. Race Belt
  17. Heart Rate Strap
  18. Timing Chip Strap

What do you have in your transition bag?

10 thoughts on “What is in my transition bag?

    1. Ear dry is mostly alcohol, but is formulated for your ears to dry them out after getting water in them. I have VERY sensitive ears and get ear infections after swimming if I don’t put it in my ears to dry them out.

    1. Good call on the sunscreen Stacey!! I also forgot that I have what I refer to as an “Oh Shit” bag with Tums, ibuprofen, tampons, etc.

  1. I keep forgetting that your IM is only 3 WEEKS after mine! Crazy! Did this summer fly by or what?! I knew it would with all the training, but wow! I love your list and especially like the idea of the travel size Hoo Ha Ride Glide. I only have the big tube (which is a life saver) and I need to get some of those sample packs! Although I wish it wouldn’t fade so quickly on the bike #chafing #ouch

    1. It is crazy!! I love the sample packets and carry a couple with me on the bike so I can reapply if needed 😉 Huge game changer…especially on race day!!

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