I have been participating in the 10 Day You Challenge and have shared with you my secrets, loves, fears, wants, places and foods.  This week I’m sharing with you the books I enjoy.10-day-you-challenge

  1. “A Life Without Limits” by Chrissie Wellington…when I need a motivational boost, I pick up this book and I am instantly reminded of why I love the sport of triathlon, why I work hard to do my best and I find the mental focus that I need to keep me moving forward to achieve my goals.  IMG_2023
  2. “Mindset” by Carol Dweck…I love that she takes you through the growth vs. fixed mindset for athletes, students, couples, business people and a variety of other types of people.  As a teacher and an athlete, I find it fascinating to learn how to help people try to develop their growth mindset.  IMG_4329
  3. “Oh the Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss…This book reminds me to set lofty goals, to push hard to achieve them and never be afraid to chase dreams.  “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”
    ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!  oh-the-places-youll-go
  4. “Love you Forever” by Robert Munsch…the amount of love that a mother has for her child and the child has for her mother is insurmountable.


What are your favorite books?


  1. I’ve had Mindset for a few years but have never read it. Guess it’s time!!! I LOVE Unbroken and am getting Louis Zamperini’s own biography from the library this week, and just cannot wait to read it! His brother’s quote has stuck with me although I can’t remember exactly, but it’s “you’re stronger (or faster) than you think you are”. I also enjoyed Dean Karnazes 50 book. Some really good words of encouragement, although sometimes I don’t think he realizes that not everyone is made to run as he can!

    1. I definitely need to read “Unbroken.” I have no excuse other than I keep forgetting about it. We own it. I agree…Dean Karnazes is a machine that not everyone can mimic, but I love his enthusiasm and his books are a quick read 😉

      1. Once I started Unbroken, I really couldn’t finish it. It makes any sort of training we put ourselves through look pretty easy compared to what he went through. Maybe I should read it again before my big race!

  2. I love life without limits! She is such an inspiration! Iron war as well as Chris McCormick books are fully worth it as well if you haven’t picked them up already. I haven’t read mindset yet and am definitely adding it to the list of read next. Thanks for the suggestion!

      1. They are so funny too! But I totally agree Chrissie is in a bit of a league of her own when it comes to amazing motivation. Whenever I get envious of all the crazy bikes in transition I think of her doing her first Kona on borrowed kit and winning!

  3. I absolutely love the research that Carol Dweck does on motivation and growth potential. I incorporate her research and teachings in a lot of my lectures and own research. Fascinating, isn’t it. I am definitely going to have to get my hands on Wellington’s book. And of course, Dr. Seuss has something for everyone. 🙂

    1. I definitely need to read Dweck’s book again just to refresh myself of how to better motivate students…seems I may need that skill a LOT this year. Dr. Seuss definitely has something for everyone 🙂

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